Monday, September 1, 2008

All Builders...

I've been working this weekend, and because it's a Holiday weekend in the U.S. it's been LOOONNG days because the fact that it is a holiday means that a lot of Doctor's have taken off and have put other Doctor's to "take call" for them. You sort of have to be like a detective (in some cases) to figure out who's caring for whom. But anyway...I digress...
I work today but have taken a few moments of my "coffee break" to send a few Builder's invitations today ... well really more than a few. I think on Friday MM&IRRs had 35 members...if everyone accepts their invitations today, we will have 64 members....this is much more popular than I ever dreamed!

I love the designs that everyone is coming up with! I'm really excited to follow all of these neighborhoods ...these will be masterpieces when we're all finished! And then we can start another!

Just wanted to let everyone know...that if you send an e-mail and don't hear from me straight away, I'm working this weekend and will get an invitation to you as long as we have spaces available. Remember only 100 authors can join - per blogger's limits.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Thanks for including me, Vonna. I had thought I would do one of these on my own this year, but it's so much more fun to be in a group! I'm very happy!!:)
Hugs and kisses, Deb