Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stuck on Design

I would love to see everyone's sketches as they are completed!! I am having a hard time with mine. Too much figuring makes my brain hurt! LOL! I am wondering if I should just fit things in as I go along. I would certainly hate to make a mess of it!



Anonymous said...

I think I am just going to sort of plan mine along the same lines as my Village of Hawk Run Hollow that I'm working on, just different houses and what not. I'm not as creative as Vonna unfortunately, and I'm lazy. LOL But as long as I get a neighborhood as the end result, it's all good. I figure I can start with that basic foundation and just embellish.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I just posted mine :)
I may have went a little overboard on elaborate....but I think it will be gorgeous if I can complete it....